Jewelry Trends Throughout The Decade (2010-2021)

This coming New Year’s Eve doesn’t just celebrate the end of a year but the end of the decade. And what a decade it was. Jewelry trends throughout the decade have changed immensely. For the most part, we’re glad they did. Anyone remember those chunky necklaces that were all the craze in 2013? Or when chokers made a huge comeback in 2016 and then disappeared again? Let’s cringe together as we revisit jewelry trends throughout the decade. But don’t worry, we also have jewelry trends that we’re certain will stick around for decades to come.

Chunky or “Bubble” necklace

We’re all guilty of the chunky jewelry trend. Whether you were in your Sunday best, presenting a big presentation at work, going on a date or walking your dog in the park, you more than likely accessorized your (brightly colored) outfit with a bubble necklace. How did we not give ourselves a headache with a pound of plastic jewelry wrapped around our neck? It’s safe to say we’re glad that trend died in 2013.


We must appreciate the epic comeback chokers made in 2016. Long before teenagers and college students brought this edgy trend back, ladies as early as 1920 have been rocking this skin tight design. In fact, it is said that royals during the Victorian era were painted wearing chokers made of diamonds and gold. Given its past, we’re certain the choker will make another comeback at some point this upcoming decade. We’d be lying if we said we weren't looking forward to it.

To learn more, check out this article on “The Fascinating History of Choker Necklaces”.

Layered Necklaces

The layered necklace look has always been popular but its really taken off during the rise of social media, specifically Instagram. Models and influencers around the world post dozens of photos a month showcasing everything from their diets to their fashion choices. Social media influencers have proven to be an efficient and powerful marketing tool as women rush to online websites to purchase the exact necklace their favorite fashion influencer is wearing.

Everything from dainty chain necklaces decorated with charms to necklaces with words like “baby girl” or “Aries”, are being layered upon the necks of women we look up to, therefore bringing this fun and creative trend back into the spotlight. The best part of this trend is having the ability to mix and match different designs and customize it to your own style.

To learn more about the layered necklace trend that has been gracing the feed of our Instagram page this year, read Layered Necklace Trend Style.

Hoop Earrings

The hoop earring has to be the most versatile piece of jewelry in stores today. The best part about this trend is that hoop earrings go with any style from sweats and sneakers to an elegant dress and heels. Hoop earrings also come in all sorts of shapes and designs including huggie hoops, oval hoops, over sized hoops and hoops with words inside of it. It’s no wonder why hoop earrings have only gained popularity this decade. Watch this hilarious SNL clip with Jennifer Lopez and Melissa Villasenor about hoop earrings.

Halo & Hidden Halo Engagement Rings

The halo diamond ring has been the hottest trend for engagement rings this decade, according to experienced ring specialists around the world. The design consists of a row of diamonds that frame the center stone and create a “halo” effect. The halo setting works with any shaped diamond and can actually make the center stone appear larger than it is. You can even make it a double halo for that extra “WOW” factor.

Another popular version of this design is known as a “hidden halo.” The hidden halo sits below the center stone and acts as a platform to show off the beautiful diamond. Stop by our showroom to view our vast collection of halo and hidden halo engagement rings.

In the meantime, check out these articles about halo and hidden halo engagement rings.

4 Reasons to Choose a Hidden Halo Diamond Engagement Ring

You Had Me At Halo

Yellow Diamonds

Celebrities and socialites alike, have single handedly brought back the yellow diamond trend. From engagement rings to elegant necklaces, yellow diamonds are mainstream now more than ever. Diamond Mansion and King of Jewelry, Ledodi’s parent companies, see a handful of yellow diamond engagement ring orders every month, in all different shapes and sizes. If you’re interested in a yellow diamond for your engagement ring or just want to add a splash of color to your jewelry collection, browse Diamond Mansion and King of Jewelry’s yellow diamond collection. Want to learn more about the history of yellow diamonds? Check out “Yellow Diamond Engagement Rings Are A Hot Trend - Find Out Why!”

Lab-grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are diamonds that are made in a laboratory versus natural diamonds that are formed deep under the earth's surface over billions of years. Scientists have found a way to replicate that exact same elements that make up a diamond. This practice has been around since the 1950’s but only made its way into the jewelry market as of 2010.

Most diamond buyers are driven by the fascination of wearing a stone that has been around for billions of years, made by Mother Earth herself. But if this is something that doesn’t interest you, buying a lab-grown diamond can help you save a lot on your big purchase. If you would like to know more, read 6 Differences Between Natural Diamonds & Lab Grown Diamonds (2019 Guide).

Dainty Jewelry

As of recent years, dainty and petite jewelry have taken over the accessory jewelry industry. We’re seeing more and more women opt out of buying chunky or bulky jewelry and going with elegant, petite gold pieces. A major cause of this shift in jewelry preference has a lot to do with the evolution of fashion throughout the course of the decade.

The stripes, polka dots, bright colors and patterns trend have seen a decrease in popularity as fashion designers such as Kanye West are releasing clothing lines with neutral and nude colors. This type of fashion is best paired with minimal jewelry such as gold stud earrings, stack-able braided rings, petite diamond bangles and delicate chain necklaces. Visit Ledodi for more dainty jewelry inspiration. To learn more about minimalist fashion trends that will definitely be joining us in the new decade, read 13 Minimalist Clothing Brands That Make Getting Dressed A Piece Of Cake.



As the decades come and go, so do many fashion and jewelry trends. Ledodi is always adding unique and original pieces to its collection and keeping up with the ever changing taste of our customers. No matter how jewelry trends evolve over time, one thing is for certain; Ledodi’s mission to provide the women of the world with affordable luxury jewelry. We believe every woman deserves real gold and real diamonds. See you in 2020.

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